Monday, November 17, 2008

Get Traffic Using Google and Yahoo Images

Have you ever wondered why people add their images to Google images or Yahoo images? They add these pictures not because they are just pretty, but because they can direct traffic to their site! This is why it can be a good idea to optimize your site for the Google Image Search or Yahoo Image search. This would let people with ease; find your images by typing in specific search terms, keywords, and phrases.

There are many things people can search for. They might be searching for baseball cards, TV, or celebrities. Images also help your website look and feel great. Your goal would be to get the best possible position in Google or Yahoo Images. This could send many people to your website.Highly applicable image results will show up on Google’s and Yahoo's search results page when someone searches for specific topics.

Here are some tips when you add images to Google or Yahoo

  1. For your Alt Text, Insert keywords.
    This is by far the most significant part of image optimization. Include keywords or phrases that apply to the image and your website. You should insert in the code for your image. Example: img src="filename.jpg" alt="Alt description goes here"
  2. Descriptive Titles.
    If you are uploading an image of Kim Gehling, you could name your image ‘kim-gehling.jpg’ instead of using the original image with numbers like‘photo8674.jpg’.
  3. Anchor text keywords for the links to your images.
    Specific images, use keywords instead of a common phrases. Example, instead of typing, “See here”, use “Kim Gehling Picture” or “Kim Gehling Webdesign“.

These are just some tips and tricks you can try to better optimize your website. Google and Yahoo search are your friends, so go get acquainted!